Christopher Fon Achobang – Cameroon

Christopher Fon Achobang

Christopher Fon Achobang


Writer and Programme Coordinator


Country of Origin



Summary/About Me

Christopher Fon Achobang is a dedicated writer and Programme Coordinator with a focus on human rights issues. He has taken on freelance roles where he contributes actively to raising awareness and advocating for justice.


Areas of Expertise

  • Writing and Journalism
  • Human Rights Advocacy
  • Programme Coordination
  • Data Collection and Analysis


Professional Experience

  • Freelance Writer: Christopher engages in freelance writing projects, particularly focusing on human rights issues and raising awareness through various media platforms.
  • Programme Coordination: He coordinates activities related to data collection, analysis, and implementation of programmes aimed at addressing social issues.


Key Initiatives

– Social Change Initiative: Christopher spearheaded an initiative to highlight the genocide in Ambazonia, Cameroon. Through online petitions, television debates, Zoom meetings, newspaper articles, and social media campaigns, he raised international awareness about the ongoing atrocities. His efforts included lobbying international stakeholders and government bodies to acknowledge and take action against the genocide.



  • Advocacy and Campaigning
  • Writing and Journalism
  • Programme Management
  • Public Speaking and Media Engagement


Christopher Fon Achobang’s commitment to advocating for human rights and social justice, particularly in his efforts to bring attention to the genocide in Ambazonia, demonstrates his dedication to making a significant impact through effective communication and advocacy.