Empowering Refugees in Bidi Bidi: Positive Peace Training

In the heart of the Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement, Rebecca Nansubuga Duncan is making a significant impact with her Positive Peace Training initiative. This program is designed to foster sustainable peace and self-reliance among refugees through various innovative and transformative interventions.

Rebecca’s workshops introduce crucial peace concepts, helping participants understand the foundations of positive peace and how to apply them in their daily lives. These sessions emphasize that peace is not merely the absence of conflict but a proactive, positive state requiring effort and understanding.

Addressing gender-based violence (GBV) and teenage pregnancy is another cornerstone of the initiative. Special sessions focus on prevention and support for those affected, offering education and resources to help the community tackle these issues. By addressing GBV and teenage pregnancy, the program aims to create a safer and more supportive environment for everyone in the settlement.

The Peace Theater Program and Salama Community Radio are innovative tools used to raise awareness and promote peace. The Peace Theater Program uses drama to convey powerful messages about peace and conflict resolution, engaging the community uniquely and impactfully. Salama Community Radio broadcasts these messages further, reaching a wide audience with educational content on peace and other crucial issues.

Leadership and public speaking mentorship are also key aspects of the initiative. This mentorship program equips participants with essential leadership skills and public speaking abilities, empowering them to become community leaders and advocates for peace. By building confidence and competence, the program ensures that these new leaders can effectively promote and sustain peace in their communities.

Finally, capacity-building workshops for youth leaders prepare young people to take on active roles in their communities. These workshops focus on developing skills and knowledge that enable youth to contribute positively to their society, fostering a new generation of peacebuilders.

Rebecca’s initiative is a beacon of hope for many in Bidi Bidi, offering tools and knowledge to build a peaceful and self-sustaining community. Through these efforts, the refugees in Bidi Bidi are not only surviving but thriving, with a renewed sense of purpose and empowerment.