Galzete Tangwe – Malawi

Social Protection and Development Specialist
Country of Origin
Summary/About Me
Galzete Tangwe is a seasoned social protection and development specialist with extensive technical expertise in climate change, cash transfers, agriculture, and food security programs. Over the years, Galzete has designed and implemented innovative and sustainable programs that have significantly improved the livelihoods of many poor and vulnerable Malawians. His work focuses on creating lasting impact through strategic interventions that address the complex challenges of poverty and food insecurity.
Areas of Expertise
- Climate Change
- Social Protection Programs
- Cash Transfers
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Program Design and Implementation
Professional Experience
- Social Protection and Development Specialist: Galzete has dedicated his career to improving the lives of vulnerable populations in Malawi. His work in social protection and development encompasses designing and implementing programs that address the pressing issues of climate change, food security, and economic empowerment.
Key Initiatives
- Social Change Initiative (SCI): Galzete’s SCI is centered on youth empowerment in addressing and mitigating the impact of climate change. The initiative seeks to involve youth in climate change policies and decisions while promoting economic empowerment interventions that equip young people with the skills and resources needed to contribute to climate resilience and sustainable development.
- Climate Change Mitigation
- Youth Empowerment
- Program Design and Implementation
- Agriculture and Food Security Strategies
- Social Protection Advocacy
Additional Brief:
Galzete Tangwe, a social protection and development specialist from Malawi, focuses on youth empowerment to tackle climate change. His SCI engages young people in climate change policies and economic empowerment initiatives, aiming to build resilience and create sustainable livelihoods in vulnerable communities.