Teshome Mengesha

Teshome Mengesha

Teshome Mengesha is a security profesional with over 20 years in the multilateral institutions such as educational organizations, Public offices, Private Company and NGOs specifically in the fields of education, leadership, training, research and consultancy in the areas of  Peacebuilidng, conflict prevention & security sector governance. He has an MA Degree in Peace and security in Africa from Leipzig University, Germany and MA in HR/OD from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Teshome has interest in empowering the local community in building sustainable peace and development.


Focus of Social Change Initiative

Teshome implemented a Social Change Initiative that focused on creating awareness about positive peace among agents through peace education, workshop, training and institutional strengthening in South West Ethiopia, Dawro Zone, Mareka Woreda/District.